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Museum Under Lock Down

Writer's picture: KDKD

New Zealand, like many countries is under lock down in an attempt to stem the outbreak of Corona virus (COVID-19). Last week we moved into Alert Level 3 of our lock down after 4 weeks in Alert Level 4. Level 3 now allows business to get back to work provided they can maintain social distancing and have good sanitary practices. New Zealand, from a health perspective, have managed the pandemic well. To date we have only had 20 deaths which pales in comparisons to what is happening in Europe, Asia and the USA. Today, we recorded 0 new detected cases of the virus based on governmental testing. Our lock down has been successful seeing daily cases from 100-150 per day down to 0 for the first time today (after 49 days). Economically though we have a lot of work ahead of us!

Being in the high risk category (over 70), I've been safely locked away at home which has allowed me to spend some time to re-organise the museum given we've been unable to host visitors for the last 5 weeks. Not only have I been able to move things around and get a new TV set up in the museum, it's also meant I've kept out of my wife's hair and haven't annoyed her too much!!

It's quite amazing what you find when you check out things tucked away in lofts and boxes. Many years back my father had this gramophone which I dusted off and fired up listing to several of the old 78s I have floating around. Ohhh the memories!!

After many hours of "pottering around" in the museum it's looking pretty good. After years of adding new pieces I've now had the chance to add some order to the chaos! Once this lock down is over, be sure to give us a call and come check it out. Some new pics below, enjoy...

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